Category Archives: Spider-Man

Bigmouth Strikes Again

Yes, today’s title is another musical reference. Continue reading Bigmouth Strikes Again

Who’s the Man?

Bad enough I’ve got a post dealing with a very controversial topic that drives comic fans into a frenzy, but I’m publishing it on a Friday the 13th? Well, at least no one can accuse me of being superstitious! Continue reading Who’s the Man?

Father’s Day 2021

Seven years ago, at the very dawn of this bloghome, I authored a very personal post centered on my father for Father’s Day. Now, in honor of this year’s upcoming Father’s Day, I thought I’d share another memory of my now-eighty-six-year-old father, this one a bit more directly related to comics. Continue reading Father’s Day 2021

A Scorpion Off Baker Street

It’s early to mid-June, 1978, around the same time of year as right now. My aunt and uncle—still living on the first floor of the house, but getting ready to move to another part of town soon—are having a garage sale. Continue reading A Scorpion Off Baker Street