Category Archives: Women in Refrigerators

Gwenaissance Addendum

I really should have seen this coming. Just a couple weeks after I publish that lenghty, what-I-hoped-would-be-exhaustive-and-complete Gwenaissance post, I stumble across news that we’ll be getting more new Gwen material rather soon. Continue reading Gwenaissance Addendum

When Spidey Jumped the Shark, Pt. 3

As I mentioned back in October, there’s probably not much suspense regarding this particular installment of the series. Continue reading When Spidey Jumped the Shark, Pt. 3

Spidey Miscellanea Pt. 2: Stan & Gwen

It’s another Spidey Miscellanea post, kids! This time I’ll be doling out some more material related to Stan Lee and Gwen Stacy. Continue reading Spidey Miscellanea Pt. 2: Stan & Gwen

“What If Gwen Stacy Had Lived?”

Some might assume this latest post was born out of that mini-rant at the end of my previous post, but I assure you this is not the case. Continue reading “What If Gwen Stacy Had Lived?”

Sex, Lies, and Comic Books: The Gwen Stacy Murder Case, Reopened

Allow me to say this up front: Buckle up folks, as this will likely devolve into an epic-length analysis and/or rant. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. [EDIT: A hair over 20,000 words here at final count, ladies and gentlemen; proceed at your own risk!] Continue reading Sex, Lies, and Comic Books: The Gwen Stacy Murder Case, Reopened